Under the Stars (Bella)

Welcome to the Gardens: one of the most tranquil areas of the Tower Grounds.
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Welcome to the Gardens: one of the most tranquil areas of the Tower Grounds. Birds sing in the trees which line the wide paths between beautiful flower beds and serene lakes. There are benches to sit and listen to the waterfall, and there is neatly trimmed grass to lie on and rest. Novices and Soldiers as well as Warders in Training can be seen, sweeping the stone paths as Accepted and Dedicated study from books and relax under leafy trees.
"The Path of Daggers"
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Re: Under the Stars (Bella)

Post by Alianora » February 28th, 2023, 2:38 am

Liaran Sedai
Liaran smiled up at her Warder as they walked back towards the Grey Tower. "It was a nice evening," she said in response to his comment. "I even enjoyed parts of it." That was an accomplishment for her when it came to such events, and Liaran strongly suspected that the company of the man beside had had more to do with that than anything else. Though she said nothing to him about it, her gratitude for Haeden's presence would likely be obvious to him, through both their shared bond and his knowledge of her.

She remained at his side, almost completely quiet, as they proceeded up the stairs and through the halls of the Tower. When they reached the relative peace of the Blue Ajah halls where they made their home, the space was empty enough that Liaran felt comfortable reaching for Haeden's hand.

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Re: Under the Stars (Bella)

Post by Bella » March 8th, 2023, 3:14 pm

When she took his hand, he smiled and gave it a gentle squeeze. He didn't say anything more, since he didn't see a need for more words at that moment. They were both welcoming of companionable silences with neither feeling the need to fill the air with idle chatter when they were together.

Once they were back in their quarters, he shut the door behind them and then availed himself of a moment to pull her close in a way he'd not been free to all evening. With her in his arms, he stole a kiss (and then another) to end the evening right...

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