A Healer's Spirit (Attn: Bella)
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Welcome to Hama Valon! The aptly named 'mountain guard' is the city that has grown up at the gates of the Grey Tower at the western edge of the Two Rivers. Like all cities, there are quiet quarters with pleasant inns, such as Elman's Creek, which used to be the nearest village when the Tower was young, but was absorbed as the new city grew; its Band of Brothers Inn is still a favorite relaxation spot for many of the Tower's denizens. And again, like all cities the world over, there are less pleasant places--narrow, nameless streets that house hells and other houses of ill repute. Most of the city falls somewhere in between, with hawkers crying their wares in the streets, respectable shopkeepers ready to serve you, and petty cutpurses happy to follow you.
Novices, Soldiers, and drin'far'ji must be accompanied by a chaperon when outside Tower walls or they risk being picked up as runaways and duly punished.
Welcome to Hama Valon! The aptly named 'mountain guard' is the city that has grown up at the gates of the Grey Tower at the western edge of the Two Rivers. Like all cities, there are quiet quarters with pleasant inns, such as Elman's Creek, which used to be the nearest village when the Tower was young, but was absorbed as the new city grew; its Band of Brothers Inn is still a favorite relaxation spot for many of the Tower's denizens. And again, like all cities the world over, there are less pleasant places--narrow, nameless streets that house hells and other houses of ill repute. Most of the city falls somewhere in between, with hawkers crying their wares in the streets, respectable shopkeepers ready to serve you, and petty cutpurses happy to follow you.
Novices, Soldiers, and drin'far'ji must be accompanied by a chaperon when outside Tower walls or they risk being picked up as runaways and duly punished.
- Ashfalcon
- "The Dragon Reborn"
- Posts: 82
- Joined: November 19th, 2021, 4:41 pm
- PC: Darthalien
- SC: Illanova Restrov
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Re: A Healer's Spirit (Attn: Bella)
Darthalien considered. After a moment, he said, "Somewhere in between? It doesn't come naturally to me, the way... some things do. But I'm strong in the right sorts of powers for it, and if I lead with Spirit then I can feel what's there and what needs to be done, even if I'm not sure how to do it. Are there ways to practice that basic Healing weave without, um, endangering anyone? Or should I just keep showing up for these expeditions until it feels more natural?"
- Bella
- Female Channeller Representative
- Posts: 5627
- Joined: April 14th, 2015, 11:28 pm
- PC: Miahala Darrow Sedai
- SC: Lysira Viathene Gaidin
- TC: Gareth Tomosan Asha'man
- QC: Natlya Cade Gaidin
- QC: Andraste Alhandra Sedai
- Location: New England
Re: A Healer's Spirit (Attn: Bella)
"You can continue to make the weave without having a patient to use it on," Gareth replied. "While that won't demonstrate efficacy, it will help you become more natural and easy with it. Otherwise, to use the weave itself on patients, there are also classes, these outings into the city, and volunteering as a trainee with Yellows in the infirmary.
"If you chose the latter, then you'd be seeing more of me," the big Yellow said with a quiet, rumbling laugh. "I am the Asha'man who works most often with those who come to learn. In classes or the infirmary, though, you'd have a chance to learn some of the non-channeling medicine we practice--such as herbcraft--or even working with animals."
"If you chose the latter, then you'd be seeing more of me," the big Yellow said with a quiet, rumbling laugh. "I am the Asha'man who works most often with those who come to learn. In classes or the infirmary, though, you'd have a chance to learn some of the non-channeling medicine we practice--such as herbcraft--or even working with animals."
- Ashfalcon
- "The Dragon Reborn"
- Posts: 82
- Joined: November 19th, 2021, 4:41 pm
- PC: Darthalien
- SC: Illanova Restrov
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Re: A Healer's Spirit (Attn: Bella)
"I'll come and volunteer," Darthalien said immediately, "as my schedule permits. Outings too, when I can. This just seems too useful not to pursue." He yawned. "Even if does take effort."
The next cot was a father with a young son whose arm was in a sling; the boy had broken it while they were on the road, and the father had set it himself. Now that they were back in Hama Valon, he wanted to be sure that it was healing straight. Gareth and Dar both delved it, and then Gareth complimented the father on his bonesetting and assured the man that it was healing well. After that was a slight fever, with no obvious malady to produce it; Gareth sent Dar to retrieve a pack of ground willow bark from one of the other healers, and explained to the older man how to boil it into a cup of water and then drink it. There were others after that, but Darthalien had enough to do just keeping up with what Gareth asked of him; he doubted he would remember any of the others.
Still, by the end of the day he was beginning to think that he had the makings of a Yellow, if the Yellows didn't mind having a slightly bloodthirsty healer among their number. He didn't have Gareth's seemingly-effortless aptitude for it, but he could do it. And it was surprisingly satisfying...
The next cot was a father with a young son whose arm was in a sling; the boy had broken it while they were on the road, and the father had set it himself. Now that they were back in Hama Valon, he wanted to be sure that it was healing straight. Gareth and Dar both delved it, and then Gareth complimented the father on his bonesetting and assured the man that it was healing well. After that was a slight fever, with no obvious malady to produce it; Gareth sent Dar to retrieve a pack of ground willow bark from one of the other healers, and explained to the older man how to boil it into a cup of water and then drink it. There were others after that, but Darthalien had enough to do just keeping up with what Gareth asked of him; he doubted he would remember any of the others.
Still, by the end of the day he was beginning to think that he had the makings of a Yellow, if the Yellows didn't mind having a slightly bloodthirsty healer among their number. He didn't have Gareth's seemingly-effortless aptitude for it, but he could do it. And it was surprisingly satisfying...
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