A tomcat's return (At Andra Sedai from a certain failed scholar's apprentice)

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Re: A tomcat's return (At Andra Sedai from a certain failed scholar's apprentice)

Post by Locke » February 21st, 2023, 8:53 pm

Alric had almost moved to stand when her words gave him pause. He thought for a moment. Mulling over the possibilities, he began to speak. “Openly turn against me? I don’t think so. I like to think my men have a better instinct for self preservation than that, and I don’t think anybody here has a blinding hate for Channelers. Run away? I’d rather them do so now than in the middle of a battle. If it’s just a few men, I could easily give them their pay for the rest of the month and send them on their way. If it’s a lot of men, they’d have to accept less or put the Company in the red and that might get messy. There’s still the chance of somebody selling us out to the White Cloaks or any other interested party. I feel like that’s just a risk we’ll have to face. Most of these guys were bandits and deserters before joining the Company. I won’t pretend they’re saints, but when you put on a uniform, in the end that’s the thing that matters.”

Finally, he stood, turning to face Andra, “I’m going to have the men assemble. This is a bit beyond running drills and disciplining men for bar fights, so I’ll welcome any insights you have.”
Sweet Buns or GTFO

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Re: A tomcat's return (At Andra Sedai from a certain failed scholar's apprentice)

Post by Bella » February 23rd, 2023, 2:01 am

She smiled placidly up at him for a few moments before she also rose, taking a moment to smooth her shirt and breeches from where they'd been sitting and clear off any bits of dust that may have clung to her.

"They are fighting men, and as you say, they have their own checkered pasts. I believe speaking simply and straightforward about who I am and why I'm here will be the best for everyone. I think we may be able to escape without you revealing the same about yourself, as I am the source of curiosity and the one here specifically for this mission, but I'd consider being entirely open. It's a risk, but like we said, it's best to know what we face now than in the middle of a fight."

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Re: A tomcat's return (At Andra Sedai from a certain failed scholar's apprentice)

Post by Locke » February 26th, 2023, 12:53 pm

Alric nodded slowly, brow furrowing in thought. “I think I'll lay out all my cards.” He’d never liked or truly understood the seemingly compulsive drive towards secrecy many Channelers held. “I’ll let them be mad at me now.”

He pushed aside a bleached linen tent flap and snagged the least busy looking soldier he could find. “Tommel,” he said, “Get word to Demeaux, Soren, and Hallid, I want the Company formed up. No immediate threat, I just need to address everybody about the upcoming missions.”
The soldier, Tommel, gave a quick salute and dashed off.

Asha’man training kept a scowl off of Alric’s face as he considered his address. He hated compulsive secrecy, but he’d been drip feeding information to his men all morning.
Sweet Buns or GTFO

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Re: A tomcat's return (At Andra Sedai from a certain failed scholar's apprentice)

Post by Bella » March 8th, 2023, 3:29 pm

Andraste stood beside him, her hands held loosely behind her back. She had that small up-turn at the corner of her lips that was the secretive, serene sort of smile that one learned as they became an Aes Sedai, though it had more warmth than average because of who she stood beside.

"All will be well," she said softly. "If you add in that we are lover, they may forget about the rest entirely and just come after you about that for the rest of the day." Her dark eyes glinted with amusement.

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