Nasrin’s soft Novice’s slippers made nary a sound as she crept through the dark Tower halls, long after curfew. She blessed the existence of solid tile floors, no wood boards to squeak and give her away. That said, her white dress was still a problem. The bleedin’ thing practically glowed. She envied the Soldiers in their black uniforms. There could be twenty of them sneaking around these halls and she probably wouldn’t see them. Besides, Nas thought she’d look quite dashing in one of those coats. Maybe take it in a bit at the waist and wear the top few buttons open. She wondered if she could pull off a lace collar with that. Yes and heeled boots. She’d look dashing indeed. She’d need somebody to teach her how to use a sword though.
Her musings about what kind of ante she’d have to put up for a Soldier to gamble away one of his coats when she reached an open window. She leaned out feeling the wind on her face, the eternal night time scream of cicadas drifting up to meet her. The wind reminded her of the sea, but those bloody screaming bugs shattered the illusion. Focus Nas.
She hadn’t stopped at this window by chance. It was a landmark for her mission. Three doors down and she found the supply closet she’d been looking for. She darted inside and began carefully feeling around on the top shelf for a small bag.
Egging each other on (Attn: Sunny/Owen)
- Locke
- "The Path of Daggers"
- Posts: 906
- Joined: April 13th, 2016, 5:21 pm
- PC: Terric of the Salt Flat Sept of the Nakai Aiel
- SC: Alric Aurella
- TC: Nasrin Naceri
Egging each other on (Attn: Sunny/Owen)
Sweet Buns or GTFO

meble kuchenne na wymiar cennik
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