The Two-Way Street (Attn: Alianora)

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Re: The Two-Way Street (Attn: Alianora)

Post by Bella » February 17th, 2023, 11:13 pm

Mia, contrary to popular belief, was a good listener as well. She enjoyed hearing about plans for the future, as it was--to her, at least--one of the beautiful things about life. With the existence she'd already experienced, more than two centuries worth, she had seen some of the ugliest things that the Pattern had to offer.

And yet, humanity could still look at the future, see the beauty in it and in each other, and be hopeful.

"You'll have plenty of time," she said with a small inclination of her head. Before she spoke further, their tea was delivered and set before them. She waited until the server moved off before continuing. "It can be hard to make the time, but it's good to do so as well. I'm sure Haeden would be pleased to have you meet that wing of the family."

She privately imagined that he'd be doing a lot of groundwork to keep that horde was descending on them when they got there...

"I'm sure he'd also be happy to spend some time sailing with you, though I have to imagine it as a fairly new experience for him. We have tended toward being...inland folks. Even river travel has been fairly uncommon, what with horses in the blood and the ability of Traveling all around us."

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Re: The Two-Way Street (Attn: Alianora)

Post by Alianora » February 21st, 2023, 11:29 pm

Liaran Sedai
While Miahala spoke, Liaran stirred honey into her tea as she listened. When it was her turn to speak, however, she put the spoon down to look across the table at the other woman. "Since I came here, I've met plenty of people who have never been on a boat, so it isn't that unusual. I believe Haeden understands how important it is to me to show him where I come from, and I am grateful that he's willing to try."

She took a sip from her teacup, then changed the subject. "You said your family has horses in the raise them, don't you?" She thought Haeden had mentioned something like that to her, but knew her guess might not be quite right. Liaran frowned briefly before admitting, "I had rarely seen a horse up close until I came here....they were a mystery to me for years. It's actually Haeden who taught me how to ride."

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Re: The Two-Way Street (Attn: Alianora)

Post by Bella » February 23rd, 2023, 1:57 am

"He would be a good teacher," Mia said with no small amount of maternal pride and affection. "Yes, the Sha'hal line going back many generations have owned horse farms in Saldaea. We even bred, raised, and trained horses for the cavalry." This was said with no small amount of pride either.

"I myself own a farm just outside of Hama Valon, although it has long been turned over to other caretakers who handle the day-to-day matters, but I know Haeden often spends some time there. We breed, raise, and train a variety of horse breeds. I've grown beyond just Saldaen horses to cover all those that fit the many needs of this area.

"I imagine riding was quite a change, as much as going from horseback to a ship is for us," Mia said with a small smile, pausing to take a long sip of her tea. "I imagine Haeden helped choose a horse for you? He'd have a good eye for it."

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Re: The Two-Way Street (Attn: Alianora)

Post by Alianora » March 1st, 2023, 2:43 am

Liaran Sedai
Though Liaran had learned to ride well enough, the Sea Folk woman still knew little else about horses. Much of what Miahala was saying about farms and breeds was a mystery to her, but she leaned forward in her chair, listening intently. She felt no need to know much about raising horses, but wanted to better understand the woman whose family she would soon join. Liaran took a few drinks from her teacup as she listened, and managed a small smile at the last comment the Green sister made.

"He did more than just help," Liaran admitted with a shy glance down at the table. Forcing herself to look back up and appear attentive, she explained, "He bought my horse himself and gave her to me when he started teaching me." The memory was a little difficult for her; she had not accepted the gift graciously at first. She looked down at the table again, taking another sip from her cup before returning her attention to Miahala. "I still can't say I enjoy riding much, but Seawind is a good horse....he chose well."

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Re: The Two-Way Street (Attn: Alianora)

Post by Bella » March 8th, 2023, 2:07 pm

"Seawind," Mia said musingly, "that's a lovely name." She took a long sip of her tea. "I imagine you may never feel as comfortable on a horse as those of us born to it are, and that's understandable. Neither Haeden nor I would ever be as comfortable on a ship as you. We all have our areas of strengths and areas that are less so, but it's at least useful to have the basics of things.

"If you ever wanted to learn more or see the different sorts of horses out there, I or I'm sure Haeden--or even Sadira--would be happy to take you to the farm outside of town." She paused thoughtfully. "You may even be able to meet your own horse's sire or dam there. You could meet your horse's family as well as your fiancé's." Humor glittered in Mia's blue-green eyes.

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Re: The Two-Way Street (Attn: Alianora)

Post by Alianora » March 14th, 2023, 10:20 pm

Liaran Sedai
Liaran gave Miahala a startled look that was quickly followed by an amused smile. After taking another sip from her teacup, she said, "Maybe one day. For now, though, I think I should focus on getting to know your family ahead of the wedding." That was, of course, why both of them were here. Liaran looked down into her half-empty cup, unsure what else to say. She shoved a handful of her hair away from her face, trying to think and coming up with nothing.

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Re: The Two-Way Street (Attn: Alianora)

Post by Bella » March 19th, 2023, 6:26 pm

Mia let the silence linger long enough to finish her tea before it went cold. Some tasted alright once they had cooled off, but this was not one of those, so she made sure to finish it. "You don't not have to get to know all of us too well before the wedding takes place, though," she said kindly. "There will be plenty of time later. None of us would ever object to Haeden's choice, so we are happy to have things take time if they need to."

Gesturing back toward the Tower, she went on, "We've been out for a while now. Am I keeping you from anything at this point?"

"The Path of Daggers"
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Re: The Two-Way Street (Attn: Alianora)

Post by Alianora » March 23rd, 2023, 10:29 pm

Liaran Sedai
Never one to force awkward conversation, the silence didn't bother Liaran at all. She found it rather peaceful, and sat there, finishing her tea. She put the empty cup down just before Miahala spoke, and looked at the other woman with a smile, though at first she said nothing. She could see now, as she had not at the beginning of their outing, that Haeden's mother meant only to be welcoming towards her.

With a shrug, Liaran said, "You're not keeping me, but I should be getting back to the Tower. If I'm not in the classroom before any of the novices.....they find ways to occupy themselves and that usually does not turn out well." She took out some coins to pay for her drink, and once the waiter had taken them and left again, Liaran stood. "Thank you for the invitation," she said politely. "Perhaps we can do this again on some other day." With that, the Blue sister left, not quite hurrying but not moving slowly either. Her first class of the day awaited her, and as she had just told Miahala, it would not do for her to be anything other than early.

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