The Tower Ghost (Bryn Sevia Riverstone Walker)
It was a simple room, in a simple house. It was one the red-haired woman sitting in a chair had grown up in. The front was the shop, a bookbinder and engraver’s business filled with so many smells and so many books to study.
It was at the heart of Cosamelle in Ghealdan. Wars came and went, as did kings and queens and lords and ladies, but this small city still stood. Her gold-flecked green eyes looked around, noting every book that her adopted grandfather had ever mended. Here she would learn, as much as he paid to have a tutor do that for her.
A soft light emanating from everywhere and nowhere suffused the place, making the lit lantern moot.
She returned her on occasion, rather than the halls of the place where she lived and eventually died in. For this purpose, she found it more convenient and perhaps less crowded.
To any person’s eyes, the young woman was perhaps just shy of six feet, with her red hair falling to her waist. To call her beautiful was a simple statement of truth, her heart-shaped face now forever young. To most of the world, she might have been seen as an Aiel, if not for the simple fact that she was dressed like a simple Ghealdanin woman. A simple white blouse and green skirts divided for riding were all she was dressed in, fitting her just right as opposed to an ill-fitting white dress she wore in life. The only thing out of place was the long knife at her side, its pommel shaped like a fox’s head and fixed with two amethysts for eyes.
In front of her was a pot of tea, two cups and a stone board with pieces scattered erratically across its surface.
It was her turn to observe. The older man with the silver glasses and words of insight was gone now, again passed into ... wherever he went. The young woman did not know if that man — Trae Elien he called himself — would ever return.
And she observed. And she wept. And where she could, she would help as best she could. She found herself unlike Master Elien, who observed and rarely interacted. In many ways, he was selfless, and she more selfish. She was at the edge of reality and she would act as a guide to those who needed her help.
If there was to be the ghost of the Grey Tower and Hama Valon, then she would fill that role.
Tonight was one of those nights — to help, or at least chat.
The door to the shop opened, sounding the bell above it, and she looked up, her full lips curving in a smile.
There she stood, a woman who had long since borne the ageless look, her face beautiful even now. Those blue-green eyes were fierce and intelligent, her auburn hair bearing a sense of regality for its grey highlights. But she didn’t carry herself like a noble. No, there was more a sense of simple pride and stubbornness in her than anything else, and by the way she cocked her head, she looked like an owl pondering her circumstances.
The woman extended a hand, her gold-green eyes dancing in delight for a woman she had never met in life.
“Aes Sedai, please sit, and enjoy some tea,” Bryn Riverstone Walker murmured. “And tell me, how is my beloved brother Sojin doing? He’s proposed finally, I take it, because if he hasn’t I’ll haunt his dreams until he does.”
Her voice was jovial, but there was a undercurrent that was more serious. And far more worried about other things.
Things to Come (Attn: Miahala Sedai)
Things to Come (Attn: Miahala Sedai)
Jerid Walker Asha'man
"We all suffer. It's how we move past it that defines us."
"We all suffer. It's how we move past it that defines us."
- Bella
- Female Channeller Representative
- Posts: 5627
- Joined: April 14th, 2015, 11:28 pm
- PC: Miahala Darrow Sedai
- SC: Lysira Viathene Gaidin
- TC: Gareth Tomosan Asha'man
- QC: Natlya Cade Gaidin
- QC: Andraste Alhandra Sedai
- Location: New England
Re: Things to Come (Attn: Miahala Sedai)
Will the family of Jerid Walker not leave my waking or sleeping moments alone?
This was the first thought that Miahala had when she found her dreaming self walking into this house and seeing the face before her. Although she had not known Bryn in life, she knew enough to recognize her. After the visits of Trae, and then sharing a bed with Sojin and frequent cups of tea or other drinks with Jerid, and Lysira practically a daughter...
Well, without rancor, she knew she was now never to part ways with this familial line. No matter where she went. In truth, she was alright with this. What was there left to life but family? Those blood, and those choice.
Striding into the room with her usual appearance of self-command, she was as at-ease in unfamiliar rooms as familiar ones. She glanced around in curiosity, for a moment, and then took a seat. "Your brother's dreams may be spared such righteous torment, then," Mia replied with a faint, but warm smile. "He has asked, and I have accepted."
This was the first thought that Miahala had when she found her dreaming self walking into this house and seeing the face before her. Although she had not known Bryn in life, she knew enough to recognize her. After the visits of Trae, and then sharing a bed with Sojin and frequent cups of tea or other drinks with Jerid, and Lysira practically a daughter...
Well, without rancor, she knew she was now never to part ways with this familial line. No matter where she went. In truth, she was alright with this. What was there left to life but family? Those blood, and those choice.
Striding into the room with her usual appearance of self-command, she was as at-ease in unfamiliar rooms as familiar ones. She glanced around in curiosity, for a moment, and then took a seat. "Your brother's dreams may be spared such righteous torment, then," Mia replied with a faint, but warm smile. "He has asked, and I have accepted."
Re: Things to Come (Attn: Miahala Sedai)
Bryn grinned infectiously at the news that Miahala provided. Even in death, she still remained a very hopeful person.
"Good," she murmured. "His dreams are often too ... " The young woman blushed nearly as red as her hair. " ... about you."
She tilted her head briefly, and her grinned widened, if at all possible. And approvingly.
Bryn cleared her throat, noting that her guest was looking around, however brief it might have been.
"This was my grand da's place," she murmured. "The man who raised me after my mother died in childbirth. He was one of the two best men I ever knew."
Her eyes sparkled. "There are too many Shadows in the Tower, even here on this side. I would imagine you'd like some privacy."
She took a sip of her tea, the lemon scent obvious. And her gold-flecked green eyes darkened, as if predicting a storm will come.
"You'll be happy for only a brief time, at peace," she murmured. "A Shadow is coming, looming over the Tower in such intensity that I've never seen."
Her eyes glittered with sorrow then. "The fox and the mouse will be leaving, and with them their son too" she murmured. "Our home will be without a Walker and chaos will seep back in."
She smiled, bittersweetly then. She knew the words she would speak next would cause disagreement, perhaps even anger.
"The worst thing the Master of Soldiers could ever allow was for a Walker to enter its walls," she murmured. "What is the saying among some of the Indigo and that odd Grey Balen? 'The Tower will stand so long as a Walker resides, and once Walker resides no more, terror will befall?'"
She shook her head, as if not recalling. "Aes Sedai, what happens then?"
The question was one honest curiosity and concern. Bryn did not know the answer.
"Good," she murmured. "His dreams are often too ... " The young woman blushed nearly as red as her hair. " ... about you."
She tilted her head briefly, and her grinned widened, if at all possible. And approvingly.
Bryn cleared her throat, noting that her guest was looking around, however brief it might have been.
"This was my grand da's place," she murmured. "The man who raised me after my mother died in childbirth. He was one of the two best men I ever knew."
Her eyes sparkled. "There are too many Shadows in the Tower, even here on this side. I would imagine you'd like some privacy."
She took a sip of her tea, the lemon scent obvious. And her gold-flecked green eyes darkened, as if predicting a storm will come.
"You'll be happy for only a brief time, at peace," she murmured. "A Shadow is coming, looming over the Tower in such intensity that I've never seen."
Her eyes glittered with sorrow then. "The fox and the mouse will be leaving, and with them their son too" she murmured. "Our home will be without a Walker and chaos will seep back in."
She smiled, bittersweetly then. She knew the words she would speak next would cause disagreement, perhaps even anger.
"The worst thing the Master of Soldiers could ever allow was for a Walker to enter its walls," she murmured. "What is the saying among some of the Indigo and that odd Grey Balen? 'The Tower will stand so long as a Walker resides, and once Walker resides no more, terror will befall?'"
She shook her head, as if not recalling. "Aes Sedai, what happens then?"
The question was one honest curiosity and concern. Bryn did not know the answer.
Jerid Walker Asha'man
"We all suffer. It's how we move past it that defines us."
"We all suffer. It's how we move past it that defines us."
- Bella
- Female Channeller Representative
- Posts: 5627
- Joined: April 14th, 2015, 11:28 pm
- PC: Miahala Darrow Sedai
- SC: Lysira Viathene Gaidin
- TC: Gareth Tomosan Asha'man
- QC: Natlya Cade Gaidin
- QC: Andraste Alhandra Sedai
- Location: New England
Re: Things to Come (Attn: Miahala Sedai)
Ah, so... Miahala thought as she listened to Bryn speak. The world of dreams being what it was... Oh, how she sincerely hated this place sometimes. Dreams, that is. They were convoluted and obnoxious, and she'd been having Dreams for a hundred and fifty years now. If only she could but find that part of her brain and cut it out...
Off-track, Mia.
So, the fox and the mouse would be leaving. That was hardly a shock, really. They had reunited, had their son, and what more of this place could they really want? She couldn't blame them. And nothing that the girl said about shadows surprised her. Mia was grateful if she could glean five minutes of peace and contentment together at a time, let alone more than that.
"The Tower without a Walker?" she mused. "Well, it won't precisely be such. Though not in name, but in blood and fire and spirit, I'm sure."
Off-track, Mia.
So, the fox and the mouse would be leaving. That was hardly a shock, really. They had reunited, had their son, and what more of this place could they really want? She couldn't blame them. And nothing that the girl said about shadows surprised her. Mia was grateful if she could glean five minutes of peace and contentment together at a time, let alone more than that.
"The Tower without a Walker?" she mused. "Well, it won't precisely be such. Though not in name, but in blood and fire and spirit, I'm sure."
Re: Things to Come (Attn: Miahala Sedai)
Ah, so... Miahala thought as she listened to Bryn speak. The world of dreams being what it was... Oh, how she sincerely hated this place sometimes. Dreams, that is. They were convoluted and obnoxious, and she'd been having Dreams for a hundred and fifty years now. If only she could but find that part of her brain and cut it out...
Off-track, Mia.
So, the fox and the mouse would be leaving. That was hardly a shock, really. They had reunited, had their son, and what more of this place could they really want? She couldn't blame them. And nothing that the girl said about shadows surprised her. Mia was grateful if she could glean five minutes of peace and contentment together at a time, let alone more than that.
"The Tower without a Walker?" she mused. "Well, it won't precisely be such. Though not in name, but in blood and fire and spirit, I'm sure."
Bryn smiled, softly, sweetly. Sorrowfully. The latter was in her eyes from the second the Amyrlin Seat uttered the words.
“There were many Walkers in the Tower at the time,” she murmured, the gold-green eyes dancing. “My beloved father sired two children, and they grew. One stayed behind when his father and sister left the Tower. He died during the first Seanchan Siege defending his Tower. This prompted the fox to return and resume his role as a Dedicated. He was Raised high, and a second Walker came to live in the Tower, Morgan Walker Cole, a drin in the Yards. They attacked him, and wiped out nearly all of the fox’s living kin, save for three small children — his grandchildren. None showed the signs for channeling, but they came to reside here as children. All left of their own devices.”
Most who knew the living Bryn knew her as a smart lass, and perhaps the only expert of Jerid Walker outside those who ever knew him. The young Hunter of the Horn turned Novice absorbed every bit of knowledge she could find on the man she was told was her father, only to find he was a legend in his own living time. And when the time came that she was shoved into Novice Whites, he was gone by mere weeks.
“Your husband-to-be is a Majere, he has too much of his mother in him to be otherwise, and that will inform him and all he will be for the rest of his days,” Bryn said. She said it so complimentary, as if it were a blessing. And there was truth in it. Sojin Majere might have had the temperament of their father, but Bryn knew her brother better than she let on. The man could not disobey his conscience, whereas Jerid Walker could set it aside.
“Cassie Majere ... she is a sweet thing who faces things to come,” she murmured. “She has the choice to stay a Majere or embrace her bloodline and become the woman she is destined to become. She also faces the same temptations ... walk the fine line or be drawn into Shadow.”
She sipped her tea as the tea kettle turned into a fine bottle of Saldaean brandy. “Perhaps more to your liking,” Bryn murmured.
Her heart weighed heavy. “You’ll face challenges as well, Revered Mother, now and long after the rainbow stole is set aside,” she murmured. “The Fox will not be there as he once was, as he faces his own challenges that he will inform upon you soon after he leaves.”
Those gold-green eyes were reflections of her father, but where they differed was that they lacked the ruthlessness of her father. Perhaps if she had that quality, she would still be living. But they did fill with sorrow.
“Everything from his first day until his last day impacts him,” Bryn murmured. “He’s saddled with a living memory of all he has done, the lives he’s taken, and the knowledge that he will never be anything but the soldier for the Grey Tower in the end. What keeps him chained to his humanity is his friendships with those he knew and knows. The two closest people in this world that made a direct impact outside those he bedded, married or bonded are the last Wolfkin Indigo, Llewellyn Phyre, and yourself.”
She smiled. “Across all lives, across all threads, since the Wheel has spun and the Dragon and Dark One danced, your threads have been spun time and again,” she murmured. “This is the last time you two will ever meet, this life.”
Off-track, Mia.
So, the fox and the mouse would be leaving. That was hardly a shock, really. They had reunited, had their son, and what more of this place could they really want? She couldn't blame them. And nothing that the girl said about shadows surprised her. Mia was grateful if she could glean five minutes of peace and contentment together at a time, let alone more than that.
"The Tower without a Walker?" she mused. "Well, it won't precisely be such. Though not in name, but in blood and fire and spirit, I'm sure."
Bryn smiled, softly, sweetly. Sorrowfully. The latter was in her eyes from the second the Amyrlin Seat uttered the words.
“There were many Walkers in the Tower at the time,” she murmured, the gold-green eyes dancing. “My beloved father sired two children, and they grew. One stayed behind when his father and sister left the Tower. He died during the first Seanchan Siege defending his Tower. This prompted the fox to return and resume his role as a Dedicated. He was Raised high, and a second Walker came to live in the Tower, Morgan Walker Cole, a drin in the Yards. They attacked him, and wiped out nearly all of the fox’s living kin, save for three small children — his grandchildren. None showed the signs for channeling, but they came to reside here as children. All left of their own devices.”
Most who knew the living Bryn knew her as a smart lass, and perhaps the only expert of Jerid Walker outside those who ever knew him. The young Hunter of the Horn turned Novice absorbed every bit of knowledge she could find on the man she was told was her father, only to find he was a legend in his own living time. And when the time came that she was shoved into Novice Whites, he was gone by mere weeks.
“Your husband-to-be is a Majere, he has too much of his mother in him to be otherwise, and that will inform him and all he will be for the rest of his days,” Bryn said. She said it so complimentary, as if it were a blessing. And there was truth in it. Sojin Majere might have had the temperament of their father, but Bryn knew her brother better than she let on. The man could not disobey his conscience, whereas Jerid Walker could set it aside.
“Cassie Majere ... she is a sweet thing who faces things to come,” she murmured. “She has the choice to stay a Majere or embrace her bloodline and become the woman she is destined to become. She also faces the same temptations ... walk the fine line or be drawn into Shadow.”
She sipped her tea as the tea kettle turned into a fine bottle of Saldaean brandy. “Perhaps more to your liking,” Bryn murmured.
Her heart weighed heavy. “You’ll face challenges as well, Revered Mother, now and long after the rainbow stole is set aside,” she murmured. “The Fox will not be there as he once was, as he faces his own challenges that he will inform upon you soon after he leaves.”
Those gold-green eyes were reflections of her father, but where they differed was that they lacked the ruthlessness of her father. Perhaps if she had that quality, she would still be living. But they did fill with sorrow.
“Everything from his first day until his last day impacts him,” Bryn murmured. “He’s saddled with a living memory of all he has done, the lives he’s taken, and the knowledge that he will never be anything but the soldier for the Grey Tower in the end. What keeps him chained to his humanity is his friendships with those he knew and knows. The two closest people in this world that made a direct impact outside those he bedded, married or bonded are the last Wolfkin Indigo, Llewellyn Phyre, and yourself.”
She smiled. “Across all lives, across all threads, since the Wheel has spun and the Dragon and Dark One danced, your threads have been spun time and again,” she murmured. “This is the last time you two will ever meet, this life.”
Jerid Walker Asha'man
"We all suffer. It's how we move past it that defines us."
"We all suffer. It's how we move past it that defines us."
- Bella
- Female Channeller Representative
- Posts: 5627
- Joined: April 14th, 2015, 11:28 pm
- PC: Miahala Darrow Sedai
- SC: Lysira Viathene Gaidin
- TC: Gareth Tomosan Asha'man
- QC: Natlya Cade Gaidin
- QC: Andraste Alhandra Sedai
- Location: New England
Re: Things to Come (Attn: Miahala Sedai)
Bryn's words filled Mia with a similar sorrow, although hers was not reflected outwardly as the girl's was. Even in the dream, she was as austere in her expression as she was in life. It wasn't even second nature to her but her primary nature, and the aforementioned rainbow stole had only ingrained it in even deeper. The loss of the agelessness had not removed it.
She did not doubt the girl's words. Such a moment was forever a possibility, even though she might hope it otherwise.
"The Wheel weaves as the Wheel wills, is that not what they say?" she said, a musing tone in her voice. She looked at the bottle of brandy from her home, turning it in her hand. It was indeed more to her liking, since she would always prefer liquor to tea. Tea was a necessity of life, though, since she had no desire to turn into a drunkard.
Mia poured herself a glass. "If it is to be so, and no chance should unweave what is made, then I will look forward to our meeting when the pattern weaves us back in again."
She did not doubt the girl's words. Such a moment was forever a possibility, even though she might hope it otherwise.
"The Wheel weaves as the Wheel wills, is that not what they say?" she said, a musing tone in her voice. She looked at the bottle of brandy from her home, turning it in her hand. It was indeed more to her liking, since she would always prefer liquor to tea. Tea was a necessity of life, though, since she had no desire to turn into a drunkard.
Mia poured herself a glass. "If it is to be so, and no chance should unweave what is made, then I will look forward to our meeting when the pattern weaves us back in again."
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