Weapons Training!

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"The Dragon Reborn"
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Weapons Training!

Post by Ashfalcon » December 30th, 2022, 1:43 am

Weapons training! Get yer weapons training right here!

So, in my earlier days at the Grey Tower I did a lot of training threads and wrote several of the weapons classes. If you have a character who's interested in learning something but aren't sure who could teach them, hit me up: I have a bunch of old NPCs I can dust off, and I can do individual training on classes on essentially anything: unarmed, daggers, swords, axes, maces, hammers, whips and flails, polearms, thrown weapons, bows, crossbows... whatever. I can also help you with Dual Wielding, Shield Use, or Mounted Combat (though that last one is a bit rusty).

Seriously, if you're interested in a weapon skill or a weapon-related talent, I can help.

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