She shrugged and said, "But it really doesn't matter what I choose to do; I want you to be comfortable." With that, Liaran paused, trying to understand what Haeden was feeling. Reaching out, she laid a hand on her husband's arm. "So if you'd rather wear them, then wear them. You can always take them off or put them back on," she reminded him. "And I don't believe you'll have any trouble with the motion of the ship when we set sail. I'll be right there with you to help you adjust if you need it."
Sail Away With Me (attn: Bella)
- "The Path of Daggers"
- Posts: 1007
- Joined: May 2nd, 2016, 8:32 pm
- PC: Liaran Sedai, Blue Ajah
- SC: Amaranie Sedai, Indigo Ajah
- TC: Kalyan Rihera, Yellow Ajah
Re: Sail Away With Me (attn: Bella)
Liaran Sedai
Whether to wear shoes on board a ship or not had never been a question in Liaran's mind. Her people went without them; it was just as simple as that for her. For that reason, it took her a little time to answer Haeden. "I'm not sure I can tell you what would be easier," she said, turning her head to look up at him. "Honestly, I don't think I've ever tried keeping my shoes on while sailing."
She shrugged and said, "But it really doesn't matter what I choose to do; I want you to be comfortable." With that, Liaran paused, trying to understand what Haeden was feeling. Reaching out, she laid a hand on her husband's arm. "So if you'd rather wear them, then wear them. You can always take them off or put them back on," she reminded him. "And I don't believe you'll have any trouble with the motion of the ship when we set sail. I'll be right there with you to help you adjust if you need it."
She shrugged and said, "But it really doesn't matter what I choose to do; I want you to be comfortable." With that, Liaran paused, trying to understand what Haeden was feeling. Reaching out, she laid a hand on her husband's arm. "So if you'd rather wear them, then wear them. You can always take them off or put them back on," she reminded him. "And I don't believe you'll have any trouble with the motion of the ship when we set sail. I'll be right there with you to help you adjust if you need it."
- Bella
- Female Channeller Representative
- Posts: 5627
- Joined: April 14th, 2015, 11:28 pm
- PC: Miahala Darrow Sedai
- SC: Lysira Viathene Gaidin
- TC: Gareth Tomosan Asha'man
- QC: Natlya Cade Gaidin
- QC: Andraste Alhandra Sedai
- Location: New England
Re: Sail Away With Me (attn: Bella)
He flashed another smile sidelong at her. "I'm sure you think I'm overthinking it," he said, since everyone in chat knows that the writers certainly believe he's overthinking it. "I just want to avoid looking foolish for some reason or another, and this is a pretty new situation for me. A good Gaidin always works to see all sides of a situation."
With a chuckle, he put his hand over hers and gently squeezed it then leaned forward to steal a kiss. Inwardly, he decided to keep the boots on. "That settled, I'm good to go back up whenever you are, my wife. I'm curious to learn more about what life is like on a ship. It all seems so very different from what I'm used to."
With a chuckle, he put his hand over hers and gently squeezed it then leaned forward to steal a kiss. Inwardly, he decided to keep the boots on. "That settled, I'm good to go back up whenever you are, my wife. I'm curious to learn more about what life is like on a ship. It all seems so very different from what I'm used to."
- "The Path of Daggers"
- Posts: 1007
- Joined: May 2nd, 2016, 8:32 pm
- PC: Liaran Sedai, Blue Ajah
- SC: Amaranie Sedai, Indigo Ajah
- TC: Kalyan Rihera, Yellow Ajah
Re: Sail Away With Me (attn: Bella)
Liaran Sedai
Liaran smiled up at her husband, then stood. "If you're ready," she said to him, "I think I'd like to go back up now. We should be sailing soon, after all." She led the way out of their room and back up the ladder. They emerged into what looked like chaos as the crew hurried to make their final preparations. Taking Haeden's hand, she drew him aside with her, staying far away from the deckhands hauling ropes and raising sails. While she kept walking, Liaran moved slowly, wanting to let Haeden observe as much as he wished. Once they were approaching the back of the ship, she stopped to look out over the water.
It felt strange to her to just be standing here beside him; despite the many years that had passed, and her satisfaction with her life, part of Liaran still felt as if she ought to be working alongside her people. She ignored the feeling, instead watching the waves until she felt the ship lurch beneath them. She smiled again, excited to be sharing this with Haeden. "Here we go," she said quietly as the raker began to slowly move away from the dock. "Soon we'll be on the ocean, and if we're lucky and look closely enough, we might get to see a dolphin or two."
It felt strange to her to just be standing here beside him; despite the many years that had passed, and her satisfaction with her life, part of Liaran still felt as if she ought to be working alongside her people. She ignored the feeling, instead watching the waves until she felt the ship lurch beneath them. She smiled again, excited to be sharing this with Haeden. "Here we go," she said quietly as the raker began to slowly move away from the dock. "Soon we'll be on the ocean, and if we're lucky and look closely enough, we might get to see a dolphin or two."
- Bella
- Female Channeller Representative
- Posts: 5627
- Joined: April 14th, 2015, 11:28 pm
- PC: Miahala Darrow Sedai
- SC: Lysira Viathene Gaidin
- TC: Gareth Tomosan Asha'man
- QC: Natlya Cade Gaidin
- QC: Andraste Alhandra Sedai
- Location: New England
Re: Sail Away With Me (attn: Bella)
The feeling beneath his feet was certainly sensation, to say the least. It wasn't like he spent all his time with his own feet on the ground, but even when he was riding a horse, there was still a sense of the ground beneath you. This was entirely foreign to what that was like, what he was used to, but it wasn't bad. Just different.
He smiled at her again, feeling freer while here since they were just here as husband and wife. He couldn't stop being her Gaidin, of course, but he still felt like he could be freer with his emotions and the demonstration thereof while here.
"Never before could I even conceive of having the chance to see such things," he comment warmly. "Something I've heard about but confess to not putting to mind too deeply since I hadn't expected to experience it for myself, until you." Even with the alien feeling of not having ground beneath him, it was starting out well enough and not too difficult for him. "How common is it to sight dolphins while out at sea?"
He smiled at her again, feeling freer while here since they were just here as husband and wife. He couldn't stop being her Gaidin, of course, but he still felt like he could be freer with his emotions and the demonstration thereof while here.
"Never before could I even conceive of having the chance to see such things," he comment warmly. "Something I've heard about but confess to not putting to mind too deeply since I hadn't expected to experience it for myself, until you." Even with the alien feeling of not having ground beneath him, it was starting out well enough and not too difficult for him. "How common is it to sight dolphins while out at sea?"
- "The Path of Daggers"
- Posts: 1007
- Joined: May 2nd, 2016, 8:32 pm
- PC: Liaran Sedai, Blue Ajah
- SC: Amaranie Sedai, Indigo Ajah
- TC: Kalyan Rihera, Yellow Ajah
Re: Sail Away With Me (attn: Bella)
Liaran Sedai
As the ship picked up speed, Liaran's feet shifted slightly with the motion. It was an old habit, one that required no conscious effort from her. She shoved a handful of hair out of her face, letting go of Haeden's hand before turning her head to smile up at him. "They don't often come this close to land," she said to him, "but once we get further out to sea...I think we should be able to spot one, at least, and maybe more than that. They do tend to stay in groups."
She shrugged, and as the crew around them handling the sails began to disperse to other tasks, Liaran walked across the deck to stand at the side of the ship, where she could look down over the edge and into the water. "Sometimes, they like to swim beside us," she called to Haeden. Seeing nothing but the blue water below, the Aes Sedai turned around to look back at her husband. "I didn't see any now, but we haven't quite reached the Sea of Storms yet." She turned again towards the dock they'd just left, watching the shoreline of Illian fade into the distance. Though her home was on land now, the Sea Folk woman still eagerly anticipated the moment when it would disappear from sight completely, leaving them to enjoy the freedom of the ocean.
She shrugged, and as the crew around them handling the sails began to disperse to other tasks, Liaran walked across the deck to stand at the side of the ship, where she could look down over the edge and into the water. "Sometimes, they like to swim beside us," she called to Haeden. Seeing nothing but the blue water below, the Aes Sedai turned around to look back at her husband. "I didn't see any now, but we haven't quite reached the Sea of Storms yet." She turned again towards the dock they'd just left, watching the shoreline of Illian fade into the distance. Though her home was on land now, the Sea Folk woman still eagerly anticipated the moment when it would disappear from sight completely, leaving them to enjoy the freedom of the ocean.
- Bella
- Female Channeller Representative
- Posts: 5627
- Joined: April 14th, 2015, 11:28 pm
- PC: Miahala Darrow Sedai
- SC: Lysira Viathene Gaidin
- TC: Gareth Tomosan Asha'man
- QC: Natlya Cade Gaidin
- QC: Andraste Alhandra Sedai
- Location: New England
Re: Sail Away With Me (attn: Bella)
Haeden remained where he was as she moved point to point, but he shifted to watch her. He enjoyed the sense of...relaxation, perhaps, that he felt and saw from her. It was subtle, something others probably wouldn't even notice the way he did, but he appreciated it. For a moment, he looked beyond her and saw the dock as it grew smaller.
That prompted its own sensation, since he'd never...not been on and near land. The closest he could say he ever came was going through a Gateway, but that was just moments and there was no sense of the lack of familiarity.
He turned his attention back to her and flashed another smile. "So," he said, now moving to come up beside her again, "I imagine that keeping a ship on its way takes a lot of effort, but there must have been some time for relaxation. What sorts of things does one do for fun while at sea?"
That prompted its own sensation, since he'd never...not been on and near land. The closest he could say he ever came was going through a Gateway, but that was just moments and there was no sense of the lack of familiarity.
He turned his attention back to her and flashed another smile. "So," he said, now moving to come up beside her again, "I imagine that keeping a ship on its way takes a lot of effort, but there must have been some time for relaxation. What sorts of things does one do for fun while at sea?"
- "The Path of Daggers"
- Posts: 1007
- Joined: May 2nd, 2016, 8:32 pm
- PC: Liaran Sedai, Blue Ajah
- SC: Amaranie Sedai, Indigo Ajah
- TC: Kalyan Rihera, Yellow Ajah
Re: Sail Away With Me (attn: Bella)
Liaran Sedai
Liaran turned to look up at her husband and blinked. "Fun?" she repeated. A brief frown of concentration appeared, but quickly disappeared as she considered the question. It required a great deal of thought, as her mother had always demanded that she place duty before anything else. "Well....," she said with some hesitation, "It really depends on the person. Some read, others draw..anything that doesn't require lots of space or bother other people. Someone might enjoy card games, or even attempt to play Stones, though I never understood how anyone has the patience for that aboard a moving ship!" It was likely clear from that statement that Liaran had never chosen to spend her time that way.
The Aes Sedai shrugged and continued, "Of course, we are not at sea all the time, and when the ship is docked most people go fishing or swimming in the ocean, and sometimes climbing and diving if there are tall enough cliffs nearby." She smiled at that, fondly recalling the feeling of freedom she'd experienced while plummeting towards the water.
The Aes Sedai shrugged and continued, "Of course, we are not at sea all the time, and when the ship is docked most people go fishing or swimming in the ocean, and sometimes climbing and diving if there are tall enough cliffs nearby." She smiled at that, fondly recalling the feeling of freedom she'd experienced while plummeting towards the water.
- Bella
- Female Channeller Representative
- Posts: 5627
- Joined: April 14th, 2015, 11:28 pm
- PC: Miahala Darrow Sedai
- SC: Lysira Viathene Gaidin
- TC: Gareth Tomosan Asha'man
- QC: Natlya Cade Gaidin
- QC: Andraste Alhandra Sedai
- Location: New England
Re: Sail Away With Me (attn: Bella)
When she first began to respond, he easily imagined that she had spent as much time working when she was young as she did as an adult at the Grey Tower. He knew he'd been similar so it wasn't like he was judgmental over that. After his parents had died, he'd become a frightfully serious young man and then a frightfully series not-so-young-anymore man.
It wasn't until meeting Liaran that anything had changed that. Of course, their initial encounter was not...happy, but they had overcome that and come together. In doing so, he'd become a tiny bit less serious and constantly focused on work. He hoped that he had provided the same for her.
However, the next part of her reply made her smile, and that he caught onto in a flash just alongside the emotions he felt.
"I take it your were among those who dove off cliffs?" he asked with a fond smile, his eyes focused fully on hers while they spoke even if his other senses never lost "sight" of everything around them. Once a Gaidin, always a Gaidin, as it was said. Still, they were on their honeymoon, and he wanted to take in as much of it--and her--as he could.
It wasn't until meeting Liaran that anything had changed that. Of course, their initial encounter was not...happy, but they had overcome that and come together. In doing so, he'd become a tiny bit less serious and constantly focused on work. He hoped that he had provided the same for her.
However, the next part of her reply made her smile, and that he caught onto in a flash just alongside the emotions he felt.
"I take it your were among those who dove off cliffs?" he asked with a fond smile, his eyes focused fully on hers while they spoke even if his other senses never lost "sight" of everything around them. Once a Gaidin, always a Gaidin, as it was said. Still, they were on their honeymoon, and he wanted to take in as much of it--and her--as he could.
- "The Path of Daggers"
- Posts: 1007
- Joined: May 2nd, 2016, 8:32 pm
- PC: Liaran Sedai, Blue Ajah
- SC: Amaranie Sedai, Indigo Ajah
- TC: Kalyan Rihera, Yellow Ajah
Re: Sail Away With Me (attn: Bella)
Liaran Sedai
Liaran looked up at her husband, still smiling. "I was," she said, not at all surprised that he'd guessed that. "I haven't been able to in years, of course, but when I was younger, it was great fun. It was almost like flying, I think, or at least as close as to it as I could get," she explained. The smile disappeared from her expression as she considered an idea she'd had while she was still planning their trip. The Aes Sedai quietly offered, "I thought, if you'd like, you could try it with me while we're here, maybe once we reach Saldaea? There are some nice cliffs there, not far from where we'll be arriving." She studied Haeden's expression, not entirely sure what he'd think of that suggestion. While she knew her husband loved her and all that she was, Liaran also understood that the protective instincts of a Warder could make it harder for him to agree to the potentially dangerous activity.
She moved closer to the side of the raker while giving Haeden time to think, observing as she looked out at the water that they were now out of sight of any land. A hand strayed towards the edge of her blouse before Liaran caught herself and let go of the material. She lived on land now, so she would follow their customs. She returned to stand in front of Haeden again, watching him, entirely aware of his emotions, but not of his thoughts.
She moved closer to the side of the raker while giving Haeden time to think, observing as she looked out at the water that they were now out of sight of any land. A hand strayed towards the edge of her blouse before Liaran caught herself and let go of the material. She lived on land now, so she would follow their customs. She returned to stand in front of Haeden again, watching him, entirely aware of his emotions, but not of his thoughts.
- Bella
- Female Channeller Representative
- Posts: 5627
- Joined: April 14th, 2015, 11:28 pm
- PC: Miahala Darrow Sedai
- SC: Lysira Viathene Gaidin
- TC: Gareth Tomosan Asha'man
- QC: Natlya Cade Gaidin
- QC: Andraste Alhandra Sedai
- Location: New England
Re: Sail Away With Me (attn: Bella)
Her suggestion, he had to admit, caught him by surprise--not in a bad way, and perhaps it shouldn't have. It just was not anything he'd ever have considered doing himself. There weren't very many cliffs with water below them around the Grey Tower, after all. As he took in the idea, his eyes followed her as she moved forward and then back.
He sensed something, for a moment, but he didn't pry.
We rather jumped off an emotional cliff together already, two folks who never expected to find what we found, he considered, smiling at her as she walked back to him. Given her ability to channel, he worried less for her in this particular endeavor than he might worry for himself. He'd never been a huge risk-taker, per se, but... "I'll admit the idea is intriguing, although I amuse myself with the thought of attempting it at...well, my age now instead of when I was younger." That made him chuckle.
He sensed something, for a moment, but he didn't pry.
We rather jumped off an emotional cliff together already, two folks who never expected to find what we found, he considered, smiling at her as she walked back to him. Given her ability to channel, he worried less for her in this particular endeavor than he might worry for himself. He'd never been a huge risk-taker, per se, but... "I'll admit the idea is intriguing, although I amuse myself with the thought of attempting it at...well, my age now instead of when I was younger." That made him chuckle.
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