Sail Away With Me (attn: Bella)

The World outside the Grey Tower is a vast place.
"The Path of Daggers"
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Re: Sail Away With Me (attn: Bella)

Post by Alianora » January 12th, 2025, 2:46 am

Liaran Sedai
Liaran shot a glare at the closed door as she listened to Haeden talk. What he said about the law possibly being involved with what they'd just seen made sense to her, but the Aes Sedai did not like it, not at all. She thought, with more than a little frustration, of the old man they'd assisted only a short time ago. How many others had been attacked in the same way? Would there be more victims if she and Haeden just left without doing anything else to intervene? She was unhappily certain that she already knew the answers to those questions, and she huffed an irritated sigh, looking down at the floor as she did.

By now, she thought Haeden knew, or should know, that her flare of temper had nothing to do with him, and everything to do with the simple fact that there really was nothing else they could do but precisely what Haeden had suggested. Liaran understood that, but she was Aes Sedai, and Blue Ajah, and leaving a city that could be in need of help did not sit well with her. She stood up, stalking over to stand at her husband's side.

"Yes....we should leave," she muttered. Looking up at Haeden, the Aes Sedai added very quietly, "But when we return home.....we will see." By that, Liaran meant that she had no intention of forgetting what they had seen in Bandar Eban. She would have to wait, but once they returned to the Tower, to her Blue sisters and the Eyes and Ears network her Ajah maintained...then Liaran would see what more she could learn about this city and those who dwelt within it.

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Re: Sail Away With Me (attn: Bella)

Post by Bella » January 29th, 2025, 11:11 pm

The Gaidin could see the progression of her thoughts and feelings on the matter in the micro expressions in her demeanor. She was an Aes Sedai, through and through, so certainly no one else could possibly have seen what he did. But he was her warder, and her husband, so that got him +5 to Perception.

When she finally responded aloud, he inclined his head. "Nothing stops us from choosing to return," he said, "should we deem it worthwhile, and perhaps by more direct means."

Before she'd have a chance to reply, the predicted became reality. A man in the uniform of the city's guard entered the room after a clearly perfunctory knock. (That was clear from the lack of time between knocking and entering, that was.) He bowed respectfully to each of them, however. "I'm afraid that there was no one there," he said, "though there were signs of some kind of scuffle. A pair of the guard are looking into it further, to see if we can find where they went."

It was as expected, so they made equally perfunctory farewells and made their way back to the ship...

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