Sail Away With Me (attn: Bella)

The World outside the Grey Tower is a vast place.
"The Path of Daggers"
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Re: Sail Away With Me (attn: Bella)

Post by Alianora » July 12th, 2024, 10:36 pm

Liaran Sedai
Liaran smiled at her husband when he sat back down at their table. It was clear to her that he was not going to be pressured into leaving early anymore than she was, and she joined him in ordering something else just to show their intention to remain. When their drinks came, she took a sip from her cup of tea before responding to Haeden. Leaning forward to be closer to him, Liaran very quietly said, "He might....but I don't know what that reason could be." She frowned as she continued, "He's not the only one, either, the waiter who served our dinner seemed to be checking on us constantly." That observation caused her to look around the room, holding her teacup as she did.

Most of what Liaran saw appeared to her to be entirely ordinary; waiters serving food, hurrying back to the kitchen, and taking money. The two who had served them, however, each looked back to their table several times even though both were busy with other tasks. It irritated Liaran that she couldn't come up with any possible reason for the pair to be watching them so often, and by the time she and Haeden decided to pay and leave, Liaran was ready to be gone from the place.

The rest of their evening was spent walking around Bandar Eban, exploring the city, and it was dark by the time they began to head back towards the docks. Retracing their steps, the two of them returned to the street where they'd eaten dinner earlier, which was mostly empty now that night had fallen. As they crossed over a side street, the Aes Sedai was distracted by a hollow thumping sound that she thought came from the narrower street. Turning her head to search for its source, what Liaran saw was entirely unexpected.

The two oddly behaved waiters from the restaurant were confronting an elderly man who was backed up against the wall of one of the buildings. Liaran reached for saidar, but even with the One Power, she couldn't hear anything that might have been said. If the two waiters were threatening the old man, they were being very careful not to be overheard, which made the Aes Sedai wonder just what they meant to do. The answer to that question came quickly as one of the two men drew a knife, and without thinking, Liaran rushed forward, weaving a solid wall of Air which she placed between the man and his attackers. She did not waste time looking to see what Haeden would do; anything she noticed, Liaran knew he would have seen long before she did, and acted as he thought best.

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Re: Sail Away With Me (attn: Bella)

Post by Bella » July 31st, 2024, 12:36 am

Haeden Ives would not be much of a Gaidin, of course, if he hadn't noticed and seen exactly what his Aes Sedai did as they made their way along the street. He was only briefly surprised at the aggressive act done somewhere that could be easily viewed, like by people who happened to be walking by, but he was not surprised by the who of it after their behavior in the restaurant.

He was just a heartbeat or two behind Liaran's air shield. The waiters who were so abruptly thwarted in their attack could only stare in shock when the knife hit the shield and went no further. (Their would-be victim was similarly surprised.) They didn't even have a moment to get out of that feeling before the full weight of the large, partly-armored, armed warder shoulder-slammed the one.

That one bounced into the other like a child's ball, and both fell to the ground. Haeden's sword was in his hand, holding the tip near their persons before they could even attempt to gain their feet. "Is their victim okay?" he asked over his shoulder without turning back, keeping them in place while he checked their victim before turning to their just desserts.

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Re: Sail Away With Me (attn: Bella)

Post by Alianora » August 11th, 2024, 2:36 am

Liaran Sedai
Once the knife fell to the ground, Liaran, who had moved to the victim's side, darted a glance across the alley as she searched for the attackers. Having heard Haeden move in addition to sensing it through their bond, the sight of both on the ground with her Warder standing over them was exactly what she had expected to find. With that threat handled, she let go of her weave of Air, then turned back to the elderly man who was leaning against the wall. He appeared to be unharmed, but since she did not know what might have occurred before their arrival, the Aes Sedai asked, "Are you hurt?"

The man looked at her and shook his head. "No," he told her. "Not hurt...didn't even take my coin. Thought I was being careful, with the robberies in this area, but might take another street from now on." While he spoke, Liaran listened, but the Aes Sedai also used a Delving weave to check for any injuries he might not have noticed. When she found nothing, she called out to her husband, "Yes, he's fine."

Trusting Haeden to keep the two men more or less confined, Liaran looked curiously at the man before her. "Have there been a lot of robberies nearby?" He nodded, explaining that quite recently there had been more than a few on the street where they stood and a few other surrounding streets, a problem that was only now becoming common knowledge throughout the city. Liaran was not at all surprised when further conversation revealed that the man had also been at the restaurant she and Haeden had visited earlier in the evening.

Once she finished her conversation with him, the man left, and Liaran watched him make his way down the street until he disappeared from sight. Then she turned back to Haeden and asked, "What do we do with them now? I suppose a city this size must have some sort of guard, maybe we should find one of them." She frowned as she thought about it, focused on her husband and the problem before her. She paid no attention to the buildings across the street, nor to the window overlooking the alley. If she had, she might have noticed the shadowed form of a person silently observing what had just taken place.

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Re: Sail Away With Me (attn: Bella)

Post by Bella » August 23rd, 2024, 11:01 pm

Haeden's gaze remained focused on the two at his feet, though he listened to his wife's conversation with the older gentleman. There was also a prickling sensation on the back of his neck, but he could only glance around very quickly to see if there was a reason for it...but seeing nothing on that quick view, he had to turn back to the attackers.

"Aye, there's some sort of law in this city. I think I saw their offices on the way to the restaurant," he said. "I think this answers some questions from the restaurant as well. We could tie these two up and report them into the lawmen, let them know where they are and what we found under the table, then they can sort them out?"

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Re: Sail Away With Me (attn: Bella)

Post by Alianora » September 5th, 2024, 2:44 am

Liaran Sedai
Liaran nodded. "That sounds like a good idea," she agreed. She crossed the alley to join Haeden where he stood over the two men, reached for saidar, and pulled a thick thread of Air. This she used to bind the wrists of one of the attackers, trusting Haeden to keep watch over the other. Another thread of Air was used to tie the man's ankles, then the Aes Sedai did the same to the other one. Neither of them fought her or tried to escape, which seemed a little strange, but Liaran assumed it was caused by nothing more than her ability to channel and the intimidating figure her Warder could be when he chose.

Leaving the two leaning against the wall of the alley, Liaran walked out onto the street. She stayed quiet at first, the lack of protest from the two men continuing to nag at her. Finally, the Aes Sedai turned her head and looked up at Haeden. "Did that seem just a little too easy to you?" she asked, then shook her head. "It could be nothing. I might just be tired," she admitted.

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